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To make this page "Everything" that YOU want it to be I need your help.
Tell me what you'd like to see here and I'll do my best to include links that will take you there.

Chesapeake Bay Sites Eastern Shore Sites
Virginia's Chesapeake Bay Virginia's Eastern Shore
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay ESVA NET
Chesapeake Bay Information Network Accomack.com
The Chesapeake Bay Program Onancock, Va.
Welcome to BIOS Parksley, Va.
Chesapeake Bay .net GHOTES MASTER PAGE
The Chesapeake Bay Bolide
Government -  Virginia Government - Federal
Virginia Government The White House
Congressman Herb Bateman The U.S. Legislative Branch
Senator Chuck Robb The U.S. House of Representatives
Senator John Warner The U.S. Senate
Virginia's Judicial System The National Security Agency-NSA
Museums & Places of Interest The Central Intelligence Agency-CIA  
The Chrysler Museum The Federal Bureau of Investigations-FBI
Colonial Williamsburg   The F.E.M.A.
The Mariners' Museum The U.S. Department of Commerce
Virginia Air & Space Center The U.S. Department of the Treasury
Virginia Living Museum The Internal Revenue Service
Virginia Marine Science Museum The U.S. Department of State
Hampton Roads Naval Museum Federal Communications Commission
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts The National Park Service
Virginia Symphony The Library of Congress
The Moses Myers House U.S. Department of Agriculture
MacArthur Memorial U.S. Forest Service
Busch Gardens - Williamsburg 
Welcome to VISIT Virginia
Science Museum of Virginia


Help TheCurZone Improve This Page...

Please let me know if there are any State, Local or Federal government sites that I have left out or if you know of any local "Points of Interest" sites I may not have included. My goal is to make this page a comprehensive list of links to all areas of interest pertaining to the Eastern Shore and The Tidewater Virginia area. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Contact me.


Computer Related Links

This page was too large to put here and includes a large number of links to computer manufactures', software manufactures', and computer peripherals manufacturers' sites on the web.


AOL Help Site

This site was done in my "budding" days as a web page designer. It's purpose was to educate new AOL users in how to use the AOL v. 3.0 software. It was never completely finished although most of the main features were at least explained. Take a look if you're interested. AOL Site (unfinished)



Some Computer Stuff:

Some Computer Stuff :

id Software... please mind the corpses.


Some of my favorite music :



Yesman's Museum of Yes

Out of this World Sites :


Earth View

Home Planet Release 3

Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page (JPL)

The NASA Homepage

Closer to home :

VIRGINIA Lottery - Lotto

46th Va. The Eastern Shore Refugees

Wakefield NWSO Home Page